Break Mission is a Community Hip-Hop events and educational (CIC) that brings people together to experience a cultural understanding of what the Hip-Hop community is really about and also raising awareness of the homeless situation in our local community through dance, music and art as a way of giving back with clothes and food donations as entry to the events themselves. We are also a registered community interest company in the UK(Company No.9316822 ) which was created in 2012 by David Russell, also known as ‘Footloose’ and Justin Lie, known as ‘JustRoc’. The original concept of Break Mission was inspired by a Break Dance event which was held in Bronx, New York by Aby from The Bronx Boys rocking Crew 1975 original concrete rocking crew and it required ‘no entry fees but food and clothes.
The vision of Break Mission is to “give back” to the community by working with charities in order to help homeless people in the UK and around the world, to support the local community though holding events by collecting food and recycled clothes.
The theme of our events is ‘Donate to Participate’. We only require our attendees to bring non-perishable food or recycled clothes to the event instead of paying any entry fees. All the goods will be given to local charity depends on the event location. In the UK, we had worked with Wood Street Mission in Manchester and, in Malaysia, The Pusat Old Folks Home and many other local charities around the world.
In the past 9 years Break Mission has already held more than 60 successful international events, workshops and performances which include the UK (e.g. Manchester and Birmingham), Europe (e.g. Hungary, Italy and France), Middle East (Jordan), USA (New York), Oceania (New Zealand) and in Asia (e.g. South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong).
Our community is getting bigger and bigger and most importantly, our goal is to make Break Mission become a worldwide community to reach every country on Earth. We are hoping to keep our passion in what we love and believe in and, to support charities to help homeless people on a national and international scale and as well as to have more and more people and organisations to join our Break Mission community. #Breakmission